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©year 2023


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About Us
We meld the digital and the neo-physical to a creed that celebrates both worlds. A bridge between digital beings and augmented lifeforms, weaving transcending pieces of accessories that push the boundaries of what's possible.

We are posthumans, expanding Earth's frontiers in how accessories are designed and created. With the help of AI and 3D printing, we are revolutionising the way accessories are made, reducing waste and minimising our impact on the environment.

At our core, we are committed to augmenting human fashion, evolving neo-digital fashion statements and challenging traditional unsustainable frameworks of jewellery manufacturing.

Sustainability is our algorithmic DNA.

We enliven meta fashion and create a future state where sustainability and hyperhumanism coexist. Join us.
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Brand that bridges the gap between cyber and human

Challenging traditional unsustainable frameworks of jewelry manufacturing

Augmenting human fashion

3D printing to reduce waste in accessories industry

Sustainability in our algorithmic DNA
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Core Values
We believe in constantly evolving and mutating our design and creation process to create something truly unique and innovative. We use cutting-edge technology such as 3D printing to revolutionise traditional manufacturing methods and create range that stands out from the crowd.

We believe in creating a posthuman-world by minimising our impact on the environment. We are committed to reducing waste, and our algorithmic DNA is dedicated to making accessories and a product line-up that are asymmetrical and sustainable.

We celebrate the parallelism between the cybernated and post-physical realms while striving to create a commutative bridge between them. We believe in blending automation and craftsmanship to create accessories that challenge perception and are timeless.

We believe that every accessory we create should be made with a conscience (emotions). We are committed to producing sustainable accessories that not only look beautiful but also help make the world a better place.

We are more than just a brand. We are a movement that is challenging traditional unsustainable frameworks of jewellery manufacturing. We enliven digital fashion and create a future where sustainability and style go hand in hand. Join us in our earth mission to revolutionise the fashion industry.
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Posthuman Lab 的创始人兼创意总监 Lena Dang 组建了一支才华横溢的团队,他们目前已成为该品牌的核心。

她的 DNA 根植于商业和金融,2018 年她开启了自己的首个配饰事业。她受到墨尔本地下科技场景的启发,加上她对反乌托邦哲学和赛博朋克的痴迷,她的大脑皮层引发了“大爆炸”,为 Posthuman Lab 注入了生命。

“借助机器学习等新兴技术以及 3D 打印,我们能够将科幻时尚带入物理世界,让我们更接近后人类。我们是一个由富有创造力的知识分子组成的社区,我们超越平凡,打破既定界限,拓展我们的意识”。

- 莉娜
©posthuman 实验室